3 Best Linear Algebra And Its Applications

Linear algebra and its applications can be seen in the field of Electronics.

Resistors are one of many components that can be found on an electronic circuit board. They help to regulate the flow of electricity and are measured in units of ohms. Low-wattage resistors are usually made out of carbon, and they have three colored bands that indicate the value of the resistance. A fourth color-band is used to indicate the tolerance to which the resistor has been manufactured (gold ±5%, silver ±10%, red ±2%, brown ±1%).

Linear Algebra And Its Applications - resistor

The above resistor is rated at 1,000 ohms (with a 10% tolerance due to the silver 4th band). In electronics, the Greek capital letter omega (Ω) is used to designate ohms. Thus, the above photo shows a 1,000 Ω resistor (sometimes abbreviated as 1-KΩ). On an electronic schematic diagram, the above resistor would be shown as follows:

resistor 1K
resistor 1K

Linear Algebra Application: Computing Series Resistance:

Linear algebra and its applications in computing series resistance: To compute the total resistance of several resistors connected in series, you simply add the value of each resistor. As an example, consider the following circuit showing a battery connected to three resistors connected in series:


If R1 = 1,000 Ω, R2 = 4,700 Ω, and R3 = 2,200 Ω, then the above circuit can be modeled as one resistor with a resistance that is the sum of the three resistances. Since R1 + R2 + R3 = 7,900 Ω

Computing Parallel Resistance:

To find the equivalent resistance of two resistors in parallel, we must use the parallel formula
1/R1 + 1/R2 = 1/R

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